Category: Features

High priority posts that will be featured on the front page.

  • The Mind’s Merry-Go-Round

    The Mind’s Merry-Go-Round

    Each day, your brain processes thousands of thoughts. Some are deliberate, generated consciously. Some are helpful habitual thoughts that operate in the background, like how to walk or brush your teeth. And some repeat on a loop, like a lonely child on a merry-go-round, waiting for acknowledgement. The thoughts we recognize often come from a…

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  • Surviving Zion 100K

    Surviving Zion 100K

    Step by torturous step, I climb and climb, the trail twisting left, then right, then left again.  My chest and legs burn. Finally, I reach the top of Gooseberry Mesa soaring 1,500 feet above the valley floor.  My breath catches in awe of the sweeping vistas and in mild terror of the sharp drops only…

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  • Building a Bridge over the Inaction Chasm

    Building a Bridge over the Inaction Chasm

    There is a void that exists in front of each of us.  I call it the “inaction chasm”.  It is that space that exists between the thought of what we should do and the first step of action.  For some, this chasm is smaller than others, but leave no doubt, it exists for everyone. Determining how…

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  • 5 Ways to Make Less into More

    5 Ways to Make Less into More

    In a day and age when we live almost constantly on a super highway of information and social media connectedness, every day life can become overwhelming.  In the past, I would catch myself frantically scrolling my phone because I don’t want to miss any interesting news, friend’s posts or possible group activities that might be…

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  • How to Choose What Helps YOU Grow

    How to Choose What Helps YOU Grow

    We live in a culture of do more with less time, less money, less resources.  Your Facebook feed is probably littered with articles such as “Do XYZ every day” and “5 Food to Eat Every Day” and “10 Habits of Successful People”.  The message is always the same….do this or that every day and you…

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